Prior to this recall, cranks that failed out of their original warranty period may not have been replaced. This meant many riders were forced to purchase new cranks. Neither statement includes details on whether these riders, who have previously replaced cranks due to a failure, would be in line for new cranks or other compensation.
When asked for clarification, a Shimano spokesperson said: “If [a rider still has the] affected crankset… it will be considered as a new case and can be taken to the dealer for inspection. If it [has been discarded], Shimano won’t take any action.” [BikeRadarの記事から]
Riders will then be issued with a rebate of $300 to $325 ($400 to $430 CAD) for single-sided power meters. Dual-sided power meter owners will receive a rebate of $500 ($650 CAD). Details are to be announced for the UK and other territories. [BikeRadarの記事から]
Tommy Barse, owner of Cutlass Velo in Baltimore, Mayland, believes Shimano is asking too much of shops for the $75 fee.
“An inspection involves greeting the customer, getting their information, removing and cleaning the cranks for inspection, producing documentation and photographs and… submitting information through a portal on the B2B site with nine fields,” says Barse.
He believes “$75 is a slap in the face”. [BikeRadarの記事から]
Hope Pro 5ハブのカセット取り付け問題に対応するため、TL-LR15が見つからず、Birzmanの物を購入したものの、こちらは芯棒がすっぽ抜けるマヌケな欠陥設計であった。ショップを通して代理店に確認したところ、「芯棒外しても使えるようになってますよ」的な、いかにも取ってつけたような残念な説明だった。